SCI - In Corea del Nord si costruisce una mega stazione sciistica

30 Maggio 2013

In Corea del Nord metà della popolazione patisce letteralmente la fame, 200.000 persone sono in campo di concentramento, ma il regime di stampo stalinista di Kim Jong-un ha una sorpresa in serbo per i - pochissimi - nordcoreani che potranno permetterselo: una mega stazione da sci. Il "Brillante leader", dopo i conflitti a salve con Giappone e Stati Uniti, ora gira il paese a sostenere le opere in corso di realizzazione nel paese più isolato del mondo. L'ultima visita riguarda la stazione sciistica in corso di realizzazione sul monte Masik, nei pressi del confine cinese. Kim sta impiegando anche forza lavoro aggiuntiva proveniente dall'esercito per realizzare entro il prossimo inverno un resort di "livello mondiale", con 110 kilometri di piste, alberghi, impianti di risalita, e tutto quello che uno sciatore può desiderare. Le quote non sono particolermente alte 1360 metri, ma gli inverni da quelle parti presumiamo siano molto rigidi, Kim stesso, recita prosaicamente l'agenzia riportata qui di seguito, ha scalato la montagna per rendersi conto dello stato dell'arte e per dare i suoi preziosi consigli - i leader nordcoreani sono praticamente onniscenti - che si sono focalizzati soprattutto sulla corretta realizzazione dei canali di drenaggio e sulle essenze da piantare sui tracciati, entrambe le cose ridurranno considerevolmente l'erosione durante la stagione delle piogge. Il tutto sarà pronto per il prossimo inverno... resta da capire chi scierà sulle piste del monte Masik visto che il turismo è praticamente inesistente in Corea del Nord e i coreani difficilimente potranno permettersi una settimana bianca. 

Riportiamo qui sotto la notizia riportata dalla Kcnc, agenzia di stampa ufficiale del regime nordcoreano. Da notare come ogni periodo inizi con "He", che ovviamente si riferisce a Kim Jong-Un...


Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, provided field guidance to the Masik Pass Skiing Ground now under construction by the KPA.

He mounted an observation deck to hear a detailed report on the construction of the skiing ground. He was greatly satisfied to learn that soldier-builders have constructed a skiing area on mountain ranges covering hundreds of thousands of square meters, including primary, intermediate and advanced courses with almost 110 000 meters in total length and 40-120 meters in width.

He said the skiing ground is located in the best place as it ensures a long period of skiing and it is easy to have access to it with the Pyongyang-Wonsan tourist motorway available nearby.

He learned about progress made in the construction of objects such as skiing gatepost, hotel, skiing apparatuses storehouse, heliport and cableway.

He climbed the peak of the skiing ground more than 1 360 meters above the sea level. Making a bird's-eye view of the skiing ground, he said it is nice to see it, but it would be more fantastic to watch the ground covered with snow.

He indicated tasks and ways for hastening the construction of the skiing ground. He noted that it is the firm determination of the Party to build the skiing ground into a world class one. He called on the soldier-builders to accelerate the construction so that the skiing ground may go operational from the coming winter.

He gave instructions to properly build a drainage system to prevent the courses from being washed away by rain in the rainy season and plant turf of good species suitable for that area so as to keep the courses in good shape even after thaw.

He said it is necessary to build well not only rest places but first- aid stations at starting, middle and final points of the courses and establish an automatic cableway monitoring system for a real time watch so as to take measures to prevent accidents. He underlined the need to preserve ecological environment and prevent pollution while building the skiing ground.

He called for properly setting up a unit for operating the ground and scrupulously organizing its management from now while pushing ahead with the construction, and taking measures for the production of skis and other winter sports apparatuses.

He called on the relevant field to supply equipment and materials needed for construction in a responsible manner and pay deep attention to this work.

He was accompanied with Son Chol Ju, Jon Chang Bok, Pak Jong Chon and So Hong Chan.


di Andrea Greco
30 Maggio 2013

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